Sunday, February 14, 2016
Ice Station Special Event from an ice covered lake in Minnesota
WØJH operating February 13 – February 15, 2016

Having strong Scandinavian heritage, Minnesotans have been known to do odd, crazy things to break the monotony of the long winter. Members of the Stillwater Amateur Radio Association (SARA), will operate a portable special event from a frozen lake in east-central Minnesota. If the ice is thick enough, we will be operating from Lake Elmo, which is a little lake that covers about 281 acres, has a maximum depth of nearly 140 feet and located at grid square EN34nx in Washington County, MN.
Primary operation will be SSB ~21.360, 14.260, 7.260 and 3.860 + or – depending upon band conditions. Anticipate that 20m, 40m, and 75m will be our busiest bands, but we may show up elsewhere briefly as well, including 10m, 17m & 160m. We also plan to have a PSK station.
We anticipate being on the air from ~16:00-23:45 UTC on Feb. 13,14 & 15.

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