Saturday, April 25, 2015
VE7HJ QSL Card from 1963
I found a QSL card on the Internet that may have been from the ham who held VE7HJ call sign before I did. Sure wish there was a database with the person's name each time a call sign changes owners.This card did have the call sign owners name.

Thursday, April 23, 2015
Hallicrafters SX-28A
I have been tinkering with a SX-28A for the past few months. Here is a short video of some CW on 20-meters.
Tuesday, January 6, 2015
T30D QSL Card
I just received my QSL card in the mail today from Greg Tretow - DL4SVA in Germany. I am so excited to get my first QSL card using my Elecraft KX3 and 12 watts of power into a LNR End Fed Quad wire antenna. The distance between the our stations was almost 5000 Miles.

Monday, January 5, 2015
WSPR App and my KX3
I am having a blast running WSPR Beacon developed by Andrea IU4APC. He has some other Apps including the KX3 Companion.
I recommend all of his Apps written for Android Tablets and Phones.